Enjoy French Food

Ask any of my family or friends and one thing they would all agree on is my love for food. However, in France, I had a hard time enjoying the food available there. The first issue I had was the food just tasted different in general. Their milk didn’t taste like the milk from home and for a country with so many types of cheese, I couldn’t believe how hard it was for me t find shredded mozzarella.

I didn’t like the way their chicken smelled and I absolutely could not wrap my brain around eating a frogs legs! These were only a few of the many complaints I had with French food. After reflecting upon it, I have come to the realization that it wasn’t the food that I had a hard time learning to eat, rather, it was my extreme biasness and refusal to try new things. So when I finally decided to open up to the differences and embrace them, I ended up finding things I did like, for instance the bakery goods. 

The bread in France is amazing and not a day goes by without me wishing I could somehow have my favourite corner store French bakery just down the street from me in Canada. Through all of this, I discovered that learning how to eat French cuisine not only opened me up to a whole new world of culinary delights but it taught me how to be more adventurous in my daily life.